Rabu, 16 Juni 2010

byebye bloggy

gw lagi males blogging nih jadi buat yang buka blog gw sorry ya untuk sementara waktu tidak ada new post heheh lagi seru baca novel :D oya just fyi,gw sekarang uda pake behel loh :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D bubyeeee

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

i need some fun in the water

hello bloggy! i haven't post anything for long long time. ask why? i don't have any interesting story to share. and this holiday makes me feel like a dead man. and went to the dentist may be the best thing happened to me,okay that's not too bad, at least this holiday i will wear braces hohoho.

btw,have you read the title of this post?yeah,i really really need to go to a waterpark! not an ordinary swimming pool, but a huge swimming pool with a lot of thrilling action rides!!! to be honest,i wish i can go to waterbom bali, or at least snow bay. yayaya stop talking and shut you mouth,felis.

i just wanna show you the new action rides in waterbom bali...........where's the picture hmm

it's sooooo THRILLING,isn't it?? i wish i can go there soon pray for me pleaseeee :D

Senin, 31 Mei 2010


Guess what?liburan bikin gw makin kurus sepertinya. Berat gw dari 39,5 tiba2 turn jadi 36kg. Kalo orang-orang pengen nurunin berat badan,gw pengen naikin berat badan 10 kilo. Hmm mungkin gw mau fitness biar berotot jadi nambah berat?iya gak sih?yang pasti,skinny is not beautiful,and trust me,people will think the same!

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

if only


Rabu, 19 Mei 2010


i found some goodbye quotes that i think are very meaningful. here they are :

"There are no good-byes, where ever we are, you'll always be in my heart"
"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected. Maybe they always have been and will be. Maybe we've lived a thousand lives before this one, and in each of them we've found each other"
"A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in the heart"
"Time goes by a lot slower when you miss the one you love"
"When I see your smile, and I know it's not for me, that's when I'll miss you"
"Missing someone gets easier everyday. Because, even though it is one day further from the last time you saw each other, it is one day closer to the next time you will meet again"

and i know that tomorrow i'll miss everyone i met today and it will lasts forever ♥

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010


JHS will be over soon and i'm scared of losing my friends. i thought i won't miss them, but i was wrong. and now i realize that i love them-tarlim10. although we're not so close, i don't know what my life would be without you. I'LL MISS T510 SO MUCH! ♥

he stole my heart

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

prom zzz

AKHIRNYA GW JADI KE PROM LOOOH!!! ya sebenarnya itu amat sangat dadakan soalnya erick baru mau pergi tadi jam 2an. setelah itu langsung deh gw bilang ke nyokap boleh pergi atau gak trs ntar sore mau ke salon blablabla. trs langsung deh nyoba-nyoba dress yg udah lama dan nentuin yg mana yang mau dipake. terus yaudah deh blablabla ke salon trs jemput wina trs ke kemang deh.

pertama-tama sih gw bingung ngeliat tempatnya. tadinya gw pikir tempatnya itu di cafe-cafe yg enak gitu ada kolam ikannya agak gelap tempatnya,tapi ternyata..........*jerenjenjeng* itu hanya ruangan berbentuk bujur sangkar yang luasnya kira-kira hanya sekamar gw....HAHAHAHHAA gak denggg mana mungkin kamar gw segede gitu, itu mah cuma segede kasur gw doanggggg!! trs agak bosen juga sih ya di sana gak ada apa-apanya gak bisa main ayunan gak bisa liatin ikan gak bisa bareng erick lagi!!! padahal kan gw udah mati-matian ngajakin ericknya ampe ngancem gak mau makan segala. TERUS TERUUSSSS MAKANAN SAMA MINUMANNYA DIKIT SEKALIIII,ITU HANYA PORSI GW MAKAN SATU HARI DOANG!

ya walaupun banyak kekecewaan,tapi seru kok promnya. sampe-sampe gw gak nurutin nyokap gw pulang jam 9 malahan pulang jam 10.41 dan ternyata nyokap gw nungguin gw pulang ampe jam 12 hohohoh gak enak jadinya.

terusss setelah dipikir-pikir menyesal karena melakukan sesuatu itu lebih baik drpd menyesal karena tidak melakukan sesuatu. kalo gw gak ikut prom, gw bakal nyesel karena gw gak bisa ngeliat erick pake kemeja, gak bisa ngeliatin orang-orang dengan pakaian yg bikin "ewwww" dan gw hanya akan terdampar di depan tv sambil nonton mawar melati. kalo gw pulang jam 9 gw bakal nyesel karena gak bisa ngeliat erick lebih lama *haduh gombal*. udah ah ngantuk udah malaaaaaam niteeee :D

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

hayooo di manaa??

coba deh perhatiin ! ada sesuatu yang menarik di foto itu dan masih bikin gw bingung sampai sekarang. hayoo tebak apa itu!!!

oke oke gw kasi tau deh sekarang. yang menarik adalah: MUKA GW AIB BANGET KAKI GW BUNTUNG!!!!!! hmm apakah ini sengaja ada yang mau ngerjain gw?? habisnya kayaknya gw gak nekuk kaki gw soalnya susah kalo di kursi itu,kan ada besinya tuh. nah pertanyaannya sekarang adalah.....di manakah kaki gw??

kalo bisa jawab dan benar hadiahnya 1.650.000(ini udah seluruh duit gw,tanpa recehan ;D)  heheehe padahal gw juga gatau jawabannya